Chicken Swap with Emy Porter

by | Apr 16, 2022 | Studio News | 2 comments

Emy Porter, author of Grandma’s Chicken Stories, and I swapped a bowl for a book. We were at a special Farm Day event and we’re both super happy with our trade.

Terri Ann and Emy, author of Grandma’s Chicken Stories


  1. Melody Freda

    Terri Ann,
    I love that you love chickens! Your husband should let you have a few!!! Not only do they provide food but also therapy! They have such personalities and its hard not to fall in love with them! I am in Phoenix and will share my hens anytime. I have 4 big girls and 6 Littles currently. I am also going to order some chicken ware from you to!!
    Thanks for sharing your art!

  2. Terri

    Hi Melody, thank you for commenting! I appreciate your offer to share your chickens! I look forward to hearing from you about ordering chicken ware!


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